Thursday, 16 May 2019

2019... a new start

Without going into too much boring detail - we didn't launch 'The Dog's Frolics in the end. Health, operations and a new job (necessitated by the government stealing several years of pension away from we ladies of the 50's) put the proverbial spanner in the works.
Now, however, we are retired so can go walking and fostering to our heart's content!
New phone-number too - 07954 402199.
Nic's always out and about with the dogs so please feel free to approach a slightly dodgy looking pensioner with two small white fluffs if you see one in the South Liverpool/Garston Park/Brodie/Cooper ave or Sudley area - our dogs will be made up to play with yours  - or not if you prefer :)
Regards and woofs!